About Us
Hey All,
There’s a lot to tell about X-Plained. Our goal, yes, I’m not doing this alone – but with a group of enthusiastic reviewers and some scenery developers – is to offer you all kind of reviews or product impressions and when time and effort allows us to have columns with critical interviews, articles or tutorials about how things work and much more. That will be fun and perhaps it will open your eyes for new things!
Further on, X-Plained will also be a platform for scenery development, at least, that’s what I have in mind. One of my personal passions – from Angelique van Campen – besides writing manuals, impressions/reviews and tutorials, is also to start with scenery development. On this date, March 2019, that still hasn’t happen. Hopefully later. A lot of other things need my attention to, so we’re moving on. For that and for my good friend – Marc Leydecker (a.k.a. Belga12345) – this website will be an outlet for them too. With the increasing demand, we offer more and more downloads and on occasions special, unique or exclusive downloads are added. Thanks due to the owners of these downloads for their approval.
But who are we? Let’s give you an overview of the current crew:
– Andy Clarke (om hold)
– Bruce Knight (on hold)
– Paul Beckwith
– Angelique van Campen
Writers / Airport Developers:
– Marc Leydecker