While our dedicated reviewer Andy Clarke tries to relax, he’s also curious how the Carenado Cessna Citation S550 is modeled or how it flies or how … too many questions and thoughts.
According to Andy “This model is highly detailed both inside and out and comes with a very good sounds package. The developers have worked to make as many systems usable and this creates a busy and interesting cockpit environment. The aircraft surprised me with is level of sophistication for relatively small, and not so young aircraft.”
Andy also thinks that “The avionics modelled really do add to the experience and enable a great involvement for the user. The model provides a platform that is easy for the less experienced user to create an enjoyable flight without going through numerous procedures and preparation yet at the same time there is so much that actually works in the model it can become more and more challenging to use to its full potential. A detailed aircraft that looks great and provides a flight experience to match.”
You can read it all via this in-depth Cessna Citation S550 review link. Enjoy the reading!