Our dedicated X-Plained reviewer Andy Clarke and your personal reporter Angelique van Campen are pleased to inform you that they both decided to write a comprehensive review of the F-16C BLOCK 52+ from DeltaWingsim.Com.
According to Andy “the external and internal modelling of the aircraft have been completed to a high standard with great attention to detail. Considerable imagination has been applied to how the user can interact with the model along with many alternative ways to present the pilot. The systems to engage with the model fit seamlessly with the systems for the aircraft itself.”
“The developers have managed to make the use of the model both straight forward and accessible without compromising on realism. Whilst this departs from the traditional FMS used by X-Plane it does create a very realistic experience. The model is further enhanced by the addition of extras such as smokers, drop tanks, weaponry, a variable HUD and a helmet mounted display.”
But Andy and Angelique have so much more to tell that it’s worth to check out our in-depth DeltaWing Simulations F-16C BLOCK 52+ review.