Your personal reporter Angelique van Campen thinks she has written many reviews related to the Cessna C150/C152 aircraft models from Carenado, Just Flight and now from vFlyteAir. She’s aware of the modified for X-Plane 11 Nhadrian C152, but that’s a different story and not yet had the time to review this package.
But what’s the plan? Will it be a VFR cross country flight and if so, where?
The plan is to cross Florida, departing from KEVB and heading for Ocala International Airport-Jim Taylor Field and from here at a heading of 270 degrees to Cedar Key or actually, to the airfield Lewis (KCDK). A bit long trip, leaning is needed, but it’s possible and else on the way back you can always stop at one of the fields on the mainland to refuel. And that with the vFlyteAir C150 Commuter Trainer configuration.
Curious to her findings? Curious to her Floridian adventure? You can read her Florida cross country story right here via this comprehensive review link. Enjoy and feedback is always welcome.
What a great article. It’s good to see the simulator being used as it would be for a real training mission. Nice job and thanks.
You’re welcome Kris and something nice is coming soon regarding this cross country flight. Keep on monitoring our site.