Your personal reporter Angelique van Campen and dedicated reviewer Andy Clarke explored, investigated and flew the Nimbus Simulation Studios BN-2 Islander. On behalf of X-Plained.Com are pleased to offer you an in-depth review of the Nimbus Britten-Norman BN-2B aircraft. The modeled version by the Nimbus team is representing the old fashioned cockpit lay-out. I mention that on purpose since the Islander is still build although these days it’s equipped with modern Display Units.
According to Andy “This is a detailed model of a utilitarian aircraft of great character. The developers have paid great attention to detail in the visual and audio modelling and this makes for a very realistic experience. The developers have provided systems and processes that allow multiple configurations of the model to give numerous different flight experiences. This makes this aircraft a really enjoyable and interesting model which can be flown “out of the box” up to a fully realistic flight and a challenge for pilots of all levels of experience.”
Curious about our experience? Then you must check out our in-depth review. Enjoy!