Historical aircraft are always fun to review and therefore, we’re pleased to inform you that our dedicated reviewer Andy Clarke took a close look in, around, under, up-side-down or whatever you like, the FlyingIron Republic P-47N Thunderbolt fighter.
According to Andy “This a highly detailed model and possesses real war time character with a choice of liveries which all carry appropriate wear weathering marks. The aircraft looks great whether viewed from inside or outside and with much of the equipment modelled to use as the real thing or cleverly adapted to integrate original systems with X-Plane.”
Andy continues “It is fun to fly when simply loaded and flown and the interest is extended to working guns. Navigation is assisted by the clever inclusion of a Garmin GPS pop out.” but there’s so much more Andy want to tell you.
Check it out, and take your time, to read Andy’s comprehensive P-47N review.