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Our dedicated reviewer Paul Beckwith reviews for you the Thranda Caravan models. Yes, you’re right, Caravan models since it’s not just one model, but more then that. Actually, it are the Caravan 675 and Grand Caravan 208B models.

According to Paul “Okay, so you have plowed through this exceedingly lengthy opus and can probably figure out what my “bottom line” on the Thranda Caravan is. Despite the presence of three other Caravan models, this Caravan package is a must buy if you enjoy flying work horse turboprops. There is none better available for X-Plane 11 and this will likely be the only one that gets optimized for the upcoming X-Plane 12. The systems that Thranda has incorporated in this package bring it to a near “study level” flight experience.”

Paul has so much more to say about these Thranda aircraft. You can read it all, but it will be a long read so relax, sit back, take a drink, and enjoy this in-depth Thranda DGS (Dynamic Generation Series) Caravan review from Paul.