X-Plained.Com is please to announce, on behalf of our dedicated reviewer Paul Beckwith, that Paul visited the Saint Croix scenery from Aerosoft.
According to Paul “If you enjoy tropical islands, custom modelling, crystal waters teeming with reefs and ocean life, and a feeling that you are there, then run, don’t walk, to the Aerosoft store and buy the St. Croix XP package.”
“These are my expectations when heading to an island with my helicopter or my float plane. This is not a land for jets because it is gone in a twinkling and you never get beyond the airport. Soak in those tropical breezes, walk on the beach, step into that warm, turquoise water, and settle back with something containing the local rum. So, were my high expectations met? In a word, yes.”
Just follow this in-depth review link from Paul, but above all, enjoy his review and as usual, feel free to comment.