We’re pleased to offer you an in-depth review of the Pilot Plus Bristol Definitive Airport, written for you by our dedicated reviewer Andy Clarke and your personal reporter Angelique van Campen.
According to Andy “There is considerable attention to detail throughout the scenery and whilst it should be remembered this is flight simulator scenery there is something to view at ground level when taxiing an aircraft or generally moving around the airport.” Angelique adds to this “I’ve very happy with what I see. I do like the modeled airport a lot, especially when you compare it with real photos. That the default Laminar Research EGGD is not what you expected from it or that it can’t compete with the Pilot Plus Bristol Definitive Airport, makes sense. That said, EGGD is worth every penny!”
All together worth the read. That said, we invite you to read this comprehensive Pilot Plus Bristol Definitive’ review.
Sorry to ask here. but how can we install this airport on Mac. Running the installer always gives error on selecting the x-plane folder…
It depends where you bought it; via Orbx and thus using Orbx Central or did you bought it via PilotPlus