It’s not that far from England to Vancouver International Airport. That said, our dedicated reviewer Andy Clarke took a virtual flight to Canada and explored all the ins and outs of the latest Globall Art airport development.
And what has Andy to say? According to Andy “The scenery package enhances the default airport to a detailed, busy airport site. There is so much to do and see that it become a totally immersive experience. Ground traffic and static aircraft are modelled in detail. The developers recommend the addition of plug-ins and scenery that add even more detail and allow various functions to be animated.”
Andy continues “The additional mesh scenery means the detail continues beyond the airport boundary and the site is integrated in to the surrounding area. Despite the amount of activity and detail the developers have gone further to facilitate the change of seasons and also a great appearance in low light and darkness. This a great addition to the X-Plane flying experience and will give any user a very interesting start or finish to any flight.”
You can read Andy’s in-depth review via this review link. I hope you enjoy the reading and feel free to comment!