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First of all, let me introduce you to our new reviewer Paul Beckwith. Paul took a visual flight from his hometown in the US to Orbx homebase Essendon Fields (YMEN). According to Paul “The first question most armchair pilots ask when considering an add on is “Is it worth the cost?” Of course, one’s answer to the question will always be a matter of opinion but, in this case, the obvious quality of the package seems to answer the question in the affirmative. It becomes even more appealing for frequent Australia fliers that suffer from a paucity of scenery and for fans of aviation history.”

Paul continues “As we have seen, there is much to enjoy with the Essendon Airport package. Meticulous detailing, accurate texture work, the benefit of multiple on-site photo sessions, the inclusion of an active road crossing, and an encompassing reach capture the essence of Essendon on its 100th anniversary celebration.”

No no, this is not all of it. Paul has so much more to tell. Angelique and Paul challenge you to check out his very first but well written Orbx YMEN scenery/airport review.