For all our new members ……. Perhaps a posting and explanation would be welcome regarding the registration popup, at least, for some it seems to help although I try to answer all emails in case of doubts or problems.
Once and a while – more once to be honest – I get the question how to get rid of the “registration popup”. Assuming that you’ve registered for X-Plained, you can simple get rid of the popup window by logging in on X-Plained. It’s so easy and it safes perhaps a lot of frustration.
So now that you know that when logged in, this popup will not appear anymore and why shouldn’t you logged in, but having registered yourself? Remember, when logged in, you have additionally download privileges and above all, you receive our newsletter.
I hope this clears how to get rid of that “registration popup”.
I am logged in right now, because I want to comment on an article.
However, when I visit the site just to check for new stuff I personally don’t like being bothered to log in. IMHO it’s the wrong way grow your userbase.
There must be a bigger benefit of loggin-in / registerin than just gettting rid of the popup.
Reading this, I think you have no cookies being active/activated. With cookies activated, and logged in, you shouldn’t see this popup anymore. Tested this on Mac and Windows with different browsers.