Hoskins Regional Airport
This scenery package is a replica 3D to the original one, updated to the year 2015. This version is for X-Plane 10 and it was tested in X-Plane 10.42 in Windows 64 bit.
Hoskins Airport is an airport in Hoskins (on the island of New Britain) in Papua New Guinea. The airport serves Kimbe – the capital of West New Britain province. Mount Pago is 16 km from the airport.
You need the following libraries:
– CDB-Library v.2.2 update on January, 8th 2016.
– 3D people library
– Flyby_Planes
– OpenScenery
– XPL TaxiSign Generator by X-Design CSD
– World Editor 1.4 by Laminar Research
– TAXI – HD Enhancement by PierreLvx
– Wide Taxiway Markings Library by Chris K
– Ortho imagery by LandSatInfo with permission to redistribute as free.
Copy the folder into your X-Plane 10/Custom Scenery folder. It does not matter if runway follow terrain is off or not. Small differences… I prefer using ” runways follow terrain contour” ON !
Have fun,
Cami De Bellis
If you do not already have the libraries used in this package, you may find download links in the Master Library List.
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