Carenado PA31 / DO228 Adventures
Today is such a day that you can’t go out, so time to find something else to do. I had a long list of things I needed to do for X-Plained.Com. One of these “things“ to do is replacing the 2nd fullwidth slider on the front page with new aircraft screenshots. But there’s more to do like making a flight about ortho scenery in The Netherlands and about the Grand Canyon National Park.
Your personal reporter Angelique van Campen rented the Carenado Piper PA31 and took off from a nearby airport to see the beauty of the Grand Canyon National Park, made possible by Org user Forkboy2. These photo real packages of Arizona and in particular the Grand Canyon are huge, but oh oh, so beautiful.
Then she went back home, The Netherlands, to make another flight with the Carenado Dornier 228. Yes, I know, it’s already a while ago that this Carenado aircraft was released for X-Plane 11, but it is and stays a beautiful aircraft. First she took off from EHBK (Maastricht-Aachen airport) or also known as Beek and next she made a second flight from EHAM (Schiphol Amsterdam International), flying to the west coast and then up to the north to Texel, the biggest Wadden island.
By the way, you can download for free – a donation would be welcome for the Zones Photo team – the ortho-scenery packages from Zones Photo. I would say .. enjoy our exclusive screenshots.