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Helicopter Review | VSKYLABS Robinson R44

This time your personal reporter Angelique van Campen shifts to helicopters. Yes, you’re right … a total new dimension to explore. It’s been a while ago that Angelique has reviewed a helicopter. Depending on the degree of realism, it is either not that difficult to fly them or it is quite complex to review and thus to fly a helicopter.

This VSKYLABS R44 Raven II will be a challenge. It won’t be a challenge to find out how it’s made, how the 3D model is created or how the small, but beautiful cockpit looks like. The challenge lies in hovering with regular flight sim equipment. The challenge will be setting up all the hardware for the R44 and then to fly it.

Angelique liked the R44 a lot and I explored new areas of Flight Simulation with helicopters. It’s also a new world for those who have never flown helicopters. Since the modeled R44 is as real as it gets in respect to the real flight dynamics, it’s not just “step in and fly away”. Because of that, I included in this review lots of tips and tricks from myself during that learning process, many suggestions from Sérgio Costa ( and a lot of help from Huss from VSKYLABS.

Curious what Angelique has to say and how she did it? Then you must check her comprehensive VSKYLABS Robinson R44 Raven II review that offers a lot more then just discussing the modeled R44.

Rotorcraft Impressions – X-Plained, the Source for All Your X-Plane Articles
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Helicopter Review | VSKYLABS Robinson R44

This time your personal reporter Angelique van Campen shifts to helicopters. Yes, you’re right … a total new dimension to explore. It’s been a while ago that Angelique has reviewed a helicopter. Depending on the degree of realism, it is either not that difficult to fly them or it is quite complex to review and thus to fly a helicopter.

This VSKYLABS R44 Raven II will be a challenge. It won’t be a challenge to find out how it’s made, how the 3D model is created or how the small, but beautiful cockpit looks like. The challenge lies in hovering with regular flight sim equipment. The challenge will be setting up all the hardware for the R44 and then to fly it.

Angelique liked the R44 a lot and I explored new areas of Flight Simulation with helicopters. It’s also a new world for those who have never flown helicopters. Since the modeled R44 is as real as it gets in respect to the real flight dynamics, it’s not just “step in and fly away”. Because of that, I included in this review lots of tips and tricks from myself during that learning process, many suggestions from Sérgio Costa ( and a lot of help from Huss from VSKYLABS.

Curious what Angelique has to say and how she did it? Then you must check her comprehensive VSKYLABS Robinson R44 Raven II review that offers a lot more then just discussing the modeled R44.