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Scenery Review | Maps2XPlane Tahiti and Windward

Our dedicated reviewer, Paul Beckwith, is back on board and dives directly into a far, warm and beautiful destination …. the Society Islands Tahiti and Windward from Maps2XPlane. According to Paul, “I’d say we have found a scenery package that is well worth the purchase cost. What adds to the value is the developer’s revisiting the package and updating it as needed to maintain compatibility with X-Plane, which we’ve seen them do with every one of their other island packages.”

Paul continues, “We have seen amazing meshwork to define islands that were only vaguely represented in the default XP-12. We have seen amazing land texture work that rivals satellite images and, in some cases, betters it because of its consistency and lack of baked-in cloud images. We have seen the implementation of autogen, which seems to be regionally themed if not entirely spot-on. We have seen a rendering of water features that I, personally, have yet to come across in any other package not done by this developer. We have also seen a few detailed structures rendered in unparalleled realism.”

All together, awesome!
But Paul discovered much more, and therefore, Paul invites you to read his in-depth review. Enjoy, and please feel free to comment.

Scenery Review | Orbx TU GB Central XP12

Your personal reporter Angelique van Campen explores the latest Orbx TrueEarth Great Britain packages. This time she explores the Central area. The only problem is that there’s sooooo much to see, so much to find out, but she managed to cover this area and recorded it all together. For you a comprehensive review of the Orbx TU GB Central scenery from East to West, from North to South.

According to Angelique “My conclusion is basically similar to that what I provided a while ago during Orbx True Earth GB for X-Plane 11. The quality and detail is at the same standard across the previous products however, the X-Plane 12 packages are fully optimised for X-Plane 12 and use all the features of X-Plane 12.”

“The standard of presentation certainly is a game changer in terms of flight experience and creates another reason to simply get in a plane and fly. The package not only assists greatly with VFR flight it makes the flight truly immersive adding real atmosphere to the surroundings. Not all buildings are modelled in detail but even those not given special attention are in the correct place and add to the view.”

In other words ….awesome! Check it out via this review link.

Airport Scenery | Orbx London City Airport X-Plane 12

Our dedicated reviewer Paul Beckwith flies virtually to Europe to visit London City Airport. It has been updated and modified by Orbx to fit perfectly with X-Plane 12, but what has Paul to say about all of this.

According to Paul “London City Airport in the Docklands. Orbx calls this a unique flight experience which bringing in commercial airliners at a 5.5 degrees approach certainly is. The airport is also unique in that only certain aircraft are allowed. The aircraft and the pilot must be certified to use this facility. Aircraft certification includes both performance and noise criteria. General aviation and rotor craft need not apply.” but Paul has much more to explored at this city airport.

Check out this comprehensive review at X-Plained.Com.

Airport Review | Ocean State Sceneries KPVC

Our dedicated reviewer Paul Beckwith flies from Boston via via to KPVC – Provincetown Municipal Airport which is only a flight of 20 minutes. The modeled airport from Ocean State Sceneries seems according to Paul worth his visit and exploration.

Paul writes “Ultimately, I found myself spending a lot of time at KPVC while doing this review and it is an airport I will return to time and again. The charm and character of the New England seashore pervade the scenery and the nuances of a small airport are elegantly captured. While the area does benefit from satellite imagery, the developer’s choice to add the features of Race Point beach and lighthouse does help to bring the seashore to the X-Plane default terrain.”

But there’s more “The VFR landmarks of the two additional lighthouses, various channel markers, the breakwater, and the Pilgrim Monument add to the overall value of the project. If you choose to add satellite imagery and X-World scenery to experience the airport as the developer envisioned it, you will simply add something incredible to an airport that is already amazing.”

Paul hasn’t finished yet. Want to know all the ins and outs of this scenery package? Check it out via Paul’s in-depth review link.

Airport Review | Axonos-Orbx Owen Roberts

X-Plained.Com is pleased to offer you an in-depth review from Axonos/Orbx Grand Cayman Owen Roberts Airport written by Paul Beckwith. The Owen Roberts International Airport is the main entry point for the Cayman Islands that feature an airport on each of the three Islands. As can be expected from Paul, with a lot of passion and sight seeing hours he has explored the modelled airport.

According to Paul “Axonos’ rendition of Owen Roberts International Airport brings another island airport to X-Plane’s Caribbean world and is a welcome addition to other Caribbean Island airports available for the sim for pilots that enjoy tropical island hopping. The package does an admirable job of presenting the essence of this gateway to the Cayman Islands with its customized terminal and outlying buildings, use of ortho imagery, and admirable tarmac textures and details.”

But there’s so much more to explore and to share with you. Curious what Paul has more to offer while checking out this airport? Then he invites you to read his comprehensive review at X-Plained.Com. Enjoy the reading and comments or suggestions are always welcome.

Orbx Brisbane Package for X-Plane 12

Our dedicated reviewer Paul Beckwith has to travel a lot. This time Paul visits Brisbane, Aussie from Orbx. A long flight, yes, that true, but it was worth the time, the investment and the “inspection”.

According to Paul “Without a doubt, the first Landmarks package from Orbx adds a very distinctive touch to the area of the X-Plane world it addresses. Let’s review what we have seen.”

He continues “The well-done category is extensive. Orbx tells us we can expect to see over 100 custom-made objects. I have not done the count and I know I have not seen them all. The ones I have seen are impressive with their accurate modeling and fine details bringing a real-life sensibility into the sim environment.”

But Paul has so much to say about the Brisbane landmarks as wel las the updated/modified Brisbane International Airport. You can read all his findings in his latest comprehensive Brisbane Exploration for X-Plane 12 review. Enjoy!