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Video | Netavio CJ4 Flight LFBZ LFSL

During the writing of Angelique’s Netavio Citation CJ4 review I decided to fly another “shortstretch from LFBZ to LFSL, both in France. I did it because I wanted to test a couple of things during this flight, but I had so much fun that I decided to record the overall flight and added text blocks to visualize the flight sections to potential Netavio CJ4 buyers.

That said, X-Plained.Com offers an in-depth review of the brand new Netavio Citation CJ4 – review published on June 15th 2021 – while this 30 minute movie shows you hopefully how I made this flight. There’s always something and also with this flight. It’s not perfect, but it will give you a good impression of the flight model, the aerodynamics and the in-house modeled ProLine 21 Integrated Avionics System.

Enjoy the movie and feel free to comment. I’ll always reply!

Video | Orbx TrueEarth GB Central “EGNJ-EGOV”

On this flight I explore the Central scenery of Orbx TrueEarth Great Britain. For this cross country flight I use the Carenado Grand Caravan EX GA aircraft.

Your personal reporter and reviewer Angelique van Campen departs from EGNJ, but before flying in a Western direction, she first flies over Kingston upon Hull. Then crossing the Humber, flying towards Peak District National Park, towards the city of Manchester.

From Manchester Airport she flies in a straight line to Liverpool and once she passed the river Mersey, her navigation system directs her in a ZWW heading. Then she is overflying Snowdonia National Park, then heading NorthWest to Bangor and finally while flying over the Isle of Anglesey, she lands at Anglesey Airport (EGOV).

I sincerely hope you like this video video that gives a good impression what to expect from Orbx TrueEarth GB Central and important to mention, this video is a part of our comprehensive review, written by our dedicated reviewer Andy Clarke.

Video | Orbx TrueEarth GB South “EGHN-EGLA”

your personal reporter Angelique continues with her scenic flight that starts at EGHN (Sandown Airport) and via the Needles and Plymouth towards Land’s End and finally, we arrive at EGLA (Bodmin Airport). During this flight your personal reporter and reviewer Angelique van Campen explores the beauty of Orbx TrueEarth Great Britain South for X-Plane 11.

She rented a Beechcraft Duchess 76, modeled by the Just Flight and Thranda Design teams. On this flight Angelique used real weather conditions and for additional adjustments or improvements she used the FlyWithLua NG plugin and the FlyAgi Tweak Utility lua package. The weather along the way was as real as it gets with awesome ground impressions as a result.

This video belongs to our review, written by Andy Clarke, our dedicated reviewer.

Video | Orbx TrueEarth GB South “EGX6-EGHN”

Our todays flight starts at EGX6 (Eastchurch Airport) and via the river Thames till the Peninsula Square, then heading in a SSW direction to Portsmouth and finally, we arrive at EGHN (Sandown Airport) at the Isle of Wight. During this flight your personal reporter and reviewer Angelique van Campen explores the beauty of Orbx TrueEarth Great Britain South for X-Plane 11.

She rented a Beechcraft Duchess 76, modeled by the Just Flight and thranda Design teams. On this flight she used real weather conditions and for additional adjustments or improvements she used the FlyWithLua NG plugin and the FlyAgi Tweak Utility lua package.

This video belongs to our review, written by Andy Clarke, our dedicated reviewer.

Video | TrueEarth EU Balearics “Ibiza – Menorca”

When you decide to buy TrueEarth EU Balearic Islands you get a bit more then expected. That is a bunch of Spanish islands ortho textures, hand-edited modified and colour corrected to fit perfectly on top of the individual X-Plane islands. The overall package – installed roughly 25 GB – are textures that are crispy and highly detailed 60cm/pixel aerial imagery.

This movie has everything to do with a scenic flight from Ibiza, the west coast of Mallorca and Menorca. The planned flight is roughly 200 NM, and I’ll fly during this trip at an altitude of approximately 3300 feet. The departure will be from Ibiza Airport, and again I use for this scenic flight the Just flight / Thranda Design Duchess 76 and although Ibiza and Menorca are much smaller then Mallorca, there’s still a lot to see. I fly via the west coast of Mallorca to Menorca. That I did it this way is because I didn’t really cover this area during my Mallorca flight impressions. While passing the west coastline of Mallorca, I fly straight to Menorca, the smallest island of the Balearic Islands. At the end of this, I land at LEMH Menorca Airport.

This Ibiza, Mallorca and Menorca movie belongs to our in-depth review that covers the Orbx TrueEarth EU Balearic Islands package. Check our comprehensive review.

Video | TrueEarth EU Balearics “Mallorca”

When you decide to buy TrueEarth EU Balearic Islands you get a bit more then expected. That is a bunch of Spanish islands ortho textures, hand-edited modified and colour corrected to fit perfectly on top of the individual X-Plane islands. The overall package – installed roughly 25 GB – are textures that are crispy and highly detailed 60cm/pixel aerial imagery.

This movie has everything to do with the island Mallorca, ok, almost. That said, from Palma de Mallorca I fly in an Eastern direction towards the city Llucmajor by following the Ma-19. Then I hope I can find me way in the air to Campos, Felanitx to Manacor. Then following the Ma-15 to the far end. When I’m heading towards Alcudia bay to the city of Alcudia and perhaps we’ll have a quick look at Port de Pollenca. Finally, I return to LEPA by following the Ma-13 to Palma. With this scenic trip I should have a good idea how Mallorca looks like.

This Mallorca movie belongs to our in-depth review that covers the Orbx TrueEarth EU Balearic Islands package. Check our comprehensive review.