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Quick Look and Feel Flight Factor A320

While your personal reporter Angelique van Campen had been very busy with reviewing the Flight Factor A320, Andy Clarke has been busy too with reviewing his part of the aircraft. Soon, very soon, we’re pleased to offer you a comprehensive review of the Flight Factor A320 Ultimate.

It was a lot of work, a lot of things we needed to find out. This is partly because of the minimum amount of documentation. Although I have enough experience, a complex aircraft as this A320 is “then” even for me not easy to figure out all the features and how things are made or modeled. For some parts we needed to contact some real licensed pilots, but I can tell you that the end result is a well balanced review.

But for now, I would say … enjoy these exclusive screenshots made on a typical flight from LFBO, heading for the Pyrenees. When you feel do to so, a comment and/or suggestion is always welcome.

X-Plane 11 UHD Mesh Scenery v4 1.0.0

On behalf of alpilotx, we’re pleased to inform you that they have released a brand new UHD package for X-Plane 11.

UHD Mesh Scenery v4 can be seen as a vastly improved version of the default scenery shipping with XP11. It is using/referencing the exact same set of artwork files (textures, object, autogens, forests) which ship with XP11, so you do not need other art assets to be installed while UHD Mesh Scenery v4 will also benefit from any artwork improvements (autogen, texture) coming with future XP11 versions.

General Characteristics of UHD Mesh Scenery v4 are identical to those of HD Mesh Scenery v4 (you can read those on its own page). The advantages of UHD Mesh Scenery v4 are:

  1. Uses 30m DEM data (instead of 90m DEMs)!
  2. Landclass data for some areas (USA West, Europe Alps, Europe Pyrenees, Japan, New Zealand) was re-created with very high resolution (compared to the data used in HD Mesh Scenery v4) resulting in even better landclass representation.
  3. The triangle mesh resolution a lot higher than in HD Mesh Scenery v4: this give – obviously – even better representation of the 30m DEM data (slopes, mountains etc.) BUT this also vastly(!) improves the landclass data representation (which in X-Plane is very closely coupled with the triangle size in the mesh). This is most obvious with forest detail.
  4. OSM data is updated (its “date stamp” is 10th January 2018) . Which makes it newer than the data in UHD Mesh Scenery v4.

All other (continuously updated) information, download links and important instructions can be found on the official UHD Mesh Scenery v4 Site:
Please read the instructions carefully, as not following them might result in a broken installation!

Here are the official screenshots accompanying the release of UHD Mesh Scenery v4. Just follow the links to my Google Photos albums: UHD Mesh Scenery v4 (for X-Plane 11)

Carenado CT210M Centurion II for X-Plane 11

We’re pleased to inform you on behalf of Carenado, that they have released a brand new X-Plane 11 GA aircraft. the CT210M Centurion II.

The aircraft is only and only for X-Plane 11. It’s as we know from Carenado a state-of-the-art configurable FPS-friendly logic system and largely VR compatible. Further on, it offers full PBR (Superb material shines and reflections) and has specially designed engine dynamics forX-Plane 11.

What else:
– Flight physics optimized for XP11 standards.
– Ground handling adapted for XP11 ground physics.
– Physically Based Rendering materials and textures throughout.
– PBR materials authored with industry-standard software used by the film and gaming industries.
– X-Plane GNS530 (FPS friendly)
– Support for RealityXP’s GTN750* (integrated into 3D cockpit, when available).
– Goodway Compatible.

And finally, it has realistic behavior compared to the real airplane. Realistic weight and balance. Tested by several pilots for maximum accuracy. Curious? Then you must check out the dedicated Carenado web page.

Navigraph Supports FlightFactor A320 Ultimate

We’re pleased to inform you about the following Navigraph news.

After many development hours, and many hours in testing, we are proud to announce the release of FMS Data for the FlightFactor A320 Ultimate for X-Plane.

How Do I Get the Data?
The FMS Data Manager will automatically detect the addon. Press the “Scan” button under the “Addon Mappings” interface. The dataset is also available as a manual installer.

Subscription Needed
Downloading the dataset requires a Navigraph Ultimate or FMS Data Subscription which can be purchased on this page.

Where Do I Get the Airplane?
The A320 is available via the X-Plane Store.

In the unlikely event you encounter any anomalies or have questions on how to use the dataset, please post in the FMS Data section of our Support Forum. For questions regarding the addon, please use the FlightFactor support ticket system.
All for now,

The Navigraph Development Team

ToLiss A319 Air France Evening Impression

While playing around with X-Plane items, issues, and testing this and that, I missed something in my recent released ToLiss A319 review … an evening flight impression. Yes, I know, I had a couple of external screenshots, but not too many and nothing of the 3D cockpit and most of the time we’re sitting in this area, right? With that idea in mind, and with the upcoming special ToLiss e-Newsletter, I decided to add a bunch of exclusive evening screenshots to our dedicated Google+ channel.

The outcome is awesome, I promise you and worth to have a look into these exclusive shots.

And yes, you’re curious I assume? These dedicated A319 Air France screenshots can be found at our dedicated X-Plained Google + page. While at our Google page, don’t forget to check all the other screenshot collections.

And in case you missed the great ToLiss news, don’t forget to check out our comprehensive ToLiss A319 review. Enjoy!

ToLiss Airbus A319 Review

Your personal reporter Angelique van Campen felt that something extraordinary needed to be reviewed; the ToLiss Airbus A319.

You and I can ask ourselves the question; What is then so special about this “another” small Airbus aircraft? Are there not enough of those small Airbus aircraft on the X-Plane market? Why another Airbus aircraft?

Besides that ToLiss is a brand new name/developer, the unique Airbus FBW (Fly-by-Wire) system comes from the well-known QPAC. This time, the ToLiss has a bit more to offer then the older QPAC. Ho ho, hold on, not a bit more, a lot more!

Is it worth the investment and is it worth to train your flying skills? Angelique tried to find the answers for you and flew to Toulouse Blagnac Airport and tested the ToLiss A319 for you. And was it a success, did she got an answer to all her questions? This and much more can be read in her comprehensive review. Enjoy!