Quick Look and Feel Flight Factor A320
While your personal reporter Angelique van Campen had been very busy with reviewing the Flight Factor A320, Andy Clarke has been busy too with reviewing his part of the aircraft. Soon, very soon, we’re pleased to offer you a comprehensive review of the Flight Factor A320 Ultimate.
It was a lot of work, a lot of things we needed to find out. This is partly because of the minimum amount of documentation. Although I have enough experience, a complex aircraft as this A320 is “then” even for me not easy to figure out all the features and how things are made or modeled. For some parts we needed to contact some real licensed pilots, but I can tell you that the end result is a well balanced review.
But for now, I would say … enjoy these exclusive screenshots made on a typical flight from LFBO, heading for the Pyrenees. When you feel do to so, a comment and/or suggestion is always welcome.