On behalf of Navigraph, we would like to share with you the following news.
On October 10th, the newest airport in the United States, Williston Basin International Airport (KXWA) opened for traffic. Charts and FMS Data for this airport is available in AIRAC cycle 1912 released today.
In every cycle there are many changes to airports, procedures and waypoints. Only in 1912 we see over 3,000 changes to terminal and enroute waypoints, and more than 15,000 data point changes to SID, STAR and approach procedures. We are working on ways to highlight some of the more interesting changes – KXWA being only one of them in this cycle.
How to Update?
Download Navigraph Charts on the Navigraph Charts product page. It supports Windows, Mac, iPad and Android. You can also access Navigraph Charts through any web browser using Navigraph Charts Cloud.
Use Navigraph FMS Data Manager to update your aircraft navdatabase and the navdata in your addon software.
Addon Updates in 1912
SimToolkitPro v0.4 (and above) added.
– SimToolkitPro is a cross simulator set of tools for X-Plane 10/11, FSX and Prepar3D: E.g. positioning tool, live map with flight plan overlay, weather presets and custom weather builder.
New dataset for ProSim A320 1.28b4 (and above) added.
- ProSimA320 provides a new advanced level of realism and intricacy. ProSimA320 is a simulator suite that has been developed, in particular, for its complexity of systems.
FSXPilot has been extended with approach data.
- FSXPilot is a universal cross-simulator autopilot for FSX, FSX-SE, Prepar3D and X-Plane. It now also supports thousands of runway approaches.
Flight Plan Import & Export Youtube Video
We are back with another Flight Simulator tutorial, and this time it’s about importing and exporting your flight plan with Navigraph Charts. In our Charts application, you can choose to import either from a PLN file, or from SimBrief which is directly connected to Navigraph Charts. To get your Navigraph flight plan into the simulator or addon FMC, you can export it in many different formats. In this video, we show you how to do all of the mentioned above.
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