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e-Newsletter Winter Edition Issue 28

Fresh for you, a special Winter edition of our e-Newsletter. Winter time means .. lot of time to spend with X-Plane, having a lot of time to develop, lots of time to fly … he, hold on. It’s not for everybody Winter time. Many of our subscribers from below the Equator, which means for them it’s Summer, have long days and perhaps less time to spend on their hobby.

But first I would like to introduce you to Bruce Knight, our new reviewer. I know Bruce already for a while, so I was very happy that Bruce wanted to assist us, assist the review team with writing reviews. As an active FAA PPL holder, Bruce has also experience with real GA aircraft and everything that belongs to that. This e-Newsletter offers, besides reviews for Andy, Bruce his first review; the Carenado C177 Cardinal for X-Plane 11. Enjoy!

Anyway, let us continue with the section; Winter or Summer thus wherever you life, this e-Newsletter is not only a mix of fresh news. Since June 2016 we’ve written many reviews. So many reviews that you’ve lost track of all our product reviews or impressions. So many that you’ve got no idea what we all have written and although you can do a search at X-Plained.Com, it’s easier to offer you ……..

It’s easier to offer you an additional GA (General Aviation) e-Newsletter that offers all our GA aircraft reviews since the start of X-Plained.Com. And that GA (General Aviation) e-Newsletter will be followed by another special e-Newsletter that contains all commercial aircraft reviews and so on.

What does it all mean?
It means forgotten aircraft models or reviews of aircraft that where initially designed for X-Plane 10 and updated for X-Plane 11 or just aircraft that are compatible with both the previous and current X-Plane. I’m aware those e-Newsletters will be long, but neither less, I hope you will enjoy those special editions. So watch your mailbox!

And, as I already highlighted in my previous e-Newsletter …. when you think you miss something that is worthy for X-Plained to have or to host, or you would love to see a review of a specific product, please feel free to contact us via

Important note:
Those who haven’t received the X-Plained.Com newsletter or for those who would love to receive this newsletter. If you haven’t received anything or would like, please contact me at and I’ll put you on the mailing list.