Time flies as they say, and yes, it feels like that. Before we knew, it was Christmas, then New Years day, and now it’s almost the end of February. Spring and Summer, here we come!
And oh oh, there’s so much to do and so much to see, to buy, to review, to explore, to make screenshots of, to improve the website, to eat, to drink, to sleep and what else more! For me, a day would be 48 hours! Within the current 24 hours I can’t do all of that, but I think we all understand that.
Since the last e-Newsletter a couple of interesting reviews have been published and some more to come. Oh, what’s then coming next? Hopefully Jude brings out his EGKK review, Rick his FlightFactor 757 v2 review, Gavin his Carenado 500S Strike Aero Commander, Angelique with the SSG E-170LR Evo, and, a surprise from Marc Leydecker aka Belga12345, his (when it’s time!) freeware KJGG airport.
Anyway, a lot of interesting stuff to come. By the way, added features after the release of X-Plained are our own Facebook page and a Twitter page.
For now, I would like to thank you on behalf of the whole X-Plained team for your registration and continuing support.
You want to have this e-Newsletter too, then it’s time to register for X-Plained.