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Hi all, here’s you personal reporter and owner, Angelique van Campen. I would like to have your attention. Perhaps not the most shocking news, for sure not related to X-Plane or X-Plained.Com, but worth to let you know.

Last night we’ve updated X-Plained.Com which is based on the WordPress CMS from version 4.x to version 5.0 as well as all the plugins and the Elegant Themes Divi theme template. As far as I’ve checked all the pages at front- and back end, it seem to me that everything is working as it supposed to be. I haven’t seen weird things or wrongly aligned posts, pages, reviews, download pages and so on.

I’m aware that the majority of X-Plained.Com members/simmers only download packages, tutorials or liveries, but suppose you ‘re also interested in our reviews and articles and see something you think of, oops, that’s not correct, please let us know ASAP. You can use for this email address or

Not that we want to switch back to the previous WordPress 4.9.8, but we always have the possibility to switch back due to the amount of backups that are made by our hosting company.

But as always, I don’t hope there’s a need to do that and that the transition to the brand new WordPress 5.x is fine. Thank you for your attention.