Lugano Airport, an impressive creation developed by FlyLogic, upgraded for X-Plane 11 by Omar Masroor and published by Aerosoft.
Curious how the updated X-Plane LSZA looks like and feels?
Then you must check out the following exclusive screenshots we’ve made for you. The Windows 10 screenshots are taken with the latest X-Plane 11 version (11.05) and use, besides a Carenado aircraft and the airport itself, xEnviro 1.07.
For those who aren’t familiar with LSZA, let’s have a closer look …. Lugano Airport (IATA: LUG, ICAO: LSZA) is a regional airport located 4 km (2.5 mi) west of the Swiss city of Lugano, approximately 80 km north of Milan, in the municipalities of Agno, Bioggio and Muzzano.
It lies closer to the village of Agno than to Lugano itself, and is sometimes known as Lugano-Agno. Around 200,000 passengers use the airport each year, using some 2,400 flights. There are also limited freight operations, a flying club and flight school. The headquarters of Darwin Airline are located at the airport. The airport is situated on land owned by the city of Lugano, whilst management is the responsibility of Lugano Airport SA, whose shares are owned by the canton of Ticino (12.5 percent) and the city (87.5 percent). The company has 73 employees, and an annual turnover of 10 million Swiss francs.
But what does it bring ….. ?
The updated airport for X-Plane 11 comes with a lot of bug fixes and a lot of improvements. For those who love to fly in the Swiss region, this is absolutely a worthy airport.