X-Plained.Com is pleased to announce, in consult with and the approval of matthew007800 from MattDesigns and Christoph_T, that we’ve decided to promote several ToLiSS A319 liveries of these painters. We will try to keep his painting/livery list up-to-date, but whenever you see one of his painting not being available via X-Plained.Com, please let us know.
The liveries are, as usual, free to download for registered users. If you’re not yet registered for X-Plained.Com, then do so! The liveries are available via our Downloads menu – Liveries – and then you choose for either Christoph_T (ToLiSS) or matthew007800 (ToLiSS).
Confused, no idea how to do it, no idea where to find it? No problem, the following screenshot who’s it you too. Enjoy and thanks guys for believing in X-Plained.Com.