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FF Library | Extended LOD version

We’re pleased to inform you that X-Plained is allowed, in consult with and with Franknfly’s approval, to promote and distribute his FF Library | Extended LOD version. By popular demand this is an extended LOD version of FF Library. In comparison to the “regular” version it will make you see objects from a greater distance, which will have to be paid for in frame rate.

According to Franknfly ‘This is the extended-LOD version of FFLibrary. For a given setting of “world detail distance” in the rendering options menu of X-Plane buildings will appear at a greater distance than in the “regular” version of FFLibary. This will naturally come at a cost in framerate.”

“FFLibrary is a scenery library with „German looking“ buildings. I mainly intended it as a resource for my Nürnberg VFR scenery but may use it for other scenery projects as well. Other scenery developers are welcome to place the objects contained in their scenery as well. In that case, please place the FFLibrary icon on your download page and provide a link to the library files.”

“Naturally I considered making all the objects contained part of the OpenSceneryX library. Desirable as that may be, it would have meant organizing my material more carefully as well as rewriting the parts of Nürnberg VFR which already existed.”

The installation goes as follows: As usual, place the unzipped “ff_library” folder in the “custom scenery” folder in your X-Plane installation.

Credits go to …….
Without the incredible Blender software and Marginal’s conversion scripts this library wouldn’t have been possible.
Thanks to AlpilotX for letting me use tree textures from the Corine package.
Many textures in the library come from photos taken directly on location in Nürnberg and surroundings. Others were downloaded from the wonderful free texture sites on the web such as Mayang’s.

Daniel_L has created a wonderful index of the facades contained in the library which all scenery developers who want to use FF Library will find most helpful. View it here (

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FF Library Extended LOD (10.8 MiB, 951 downloads)