Back to the good old days .. back to February 1963 … back to the maiden flight of the Boeing 727-100, but this time brought to you by FlyJSim with there latest creation … the Boeing 727 Series Professional.
Your personal reporter Angelique van Campen has the pleasure to find – as far as possible – all the is and outs of this old-fashioned aircraft although the implementation of the Laminar Research default FMS and the add-on xCIVA INS are possible. According to Angelique “Should you own the FlyJSim 727 Professional v3? I think it should be in your hangar, even when you’re a modern electronic computerized flight simmer.”
Angelique continues “When you like old-fashioned aircraft and like to fly only with the help of VOR/VORTAC and NDB beacons, then this is your companion. But it’s even possible to add to this aircraft the “as real as it gets” Delco CIVA INS unit.”
She has put a lot of time and effort into it, but it’s worth the result, it’s worth the reading, it’s worth .. find it out yourself by following this massive in-depth FJS 727 v3 review.