This was fun, a lot of fun. Your personal reporter Angelique van Campen reviewed for you once more the FlyJSim 732 TwinJet or for those who are more familiar with this … the Boeing 737-200 Classic.
After testing the FlyJSim 732 for many hours, I can only conclude that I’m a happy simmer and find the aircraft worth to be in your hanger. And yes, the external modelling is great, the missing door animations are a pity as well as the sometimes blurry look of decals on the fuselage.
That the aircraft doesn’t have a Virtual Cabin doesn’t bother me since the modeled cockpit and the way systems work and how the aircraft flies, are awesome. Not knowing how it’s in real, but in the sim it flies quit realistic.
Worth to read Angelique’s in-depth review. Have fun!