In consult with X-Friese, we’re pleased to offer you his FlyWithLua plugin for X-Plane 9 and X-Plane 10. FlyWithLua offers a rapid development system to get in deep into X-Plane. An easy to understand, detailed manual is included. FlyWithLua will support all platforms, Windows, Linux and Mac, and it will support X-Plane 9 and X-Plane 10. A script can be used on all platforms by default, without the need of re-editing. This let’s you share scripts with friends using other systems.
FlyWithLua is a clean 32-bit and 64-bit fat plugin. FlyWithLua uses LuaJIT as a compiler. This results in very fast code execution, especially with the version LuaJit 2.0 FlyWithLus is based on. FlyWithLua is ready to be used!
You can read all about it and, when you’re a registered member, download it to via this link. Want to see some exclusive screenshots before you download? Then you must check this additional screenshots link.