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On behalf of GeoReality and Orbx we’re pleased to share with you the following news.

GeoReality brings the successful series of Global Forests to X-Plane 12. Scans of global data have bee analysed to produce an accurate natural forest tree footprint, which is then installed into X-Plane 11, re-creating global forests in terms of variation, tree density, tree type, and tree height.

Global Forests v2 will replace all the default, and any other add-on tree product previously installed. It is a completely independent add-on, with its own set of optimized textures and tree classifications based on real-world data. This single Global Forests v2 product includes data for Europe, North America, and Asia-Oceania. Some of the features are:

  • Accurate representation of the Global forest footprint in XPlane12, according to global data
  • More than 400 .for files, with unique combination of tree type, variation, density, and height, based on real-world data
  • Tree type and classifications according to global data
  • Tree height information has been analysed from global maps and infused into Global Forests v2
  • Seamless integration with Ortho4XP, or any other package that includes satellite images
  • Seamless integration with default X-Plane12 terrain

For more information check out the dedicated Orbx storepage or the GeoReality website.