Andras Fabian from is pleased to inform you about a new addition to the successful donationware HD Mesh Scenery v3 series has been release. This time, covering the rest of the American continents Central America and South America.
All usual “parameters” of the already existing HD Mesh Scenery v3 apply to this scenery too. Special topics to be noted:
– This new region was primarily made possible by teh ESA CCI Landcover data
– the South/Central America extension is based on latest (end of October 2015) OSM data
– 4 already existing HD Mesh Scenery v3 ZIP files (+20-080, +20-090, +20-100, +20-110) have been updated as they overlap with this new region, and thus most of the non US DSFs are re-created based on the new data (US tiles are included unchanged in these ZIP files). You can clearly see that this files are replacing older ones, as they have a V301 instead of V3 in their name.
You can download the files via the map here. Comparison screenshots (before / after) can be found via this link. Want to see some examples …. check out the following links: I, II, III, IV and V. For more information visit the dedicated web page.