Check it out!
On behalf of Steve Baugh a.k.a. Humbug01 (X-Plane.Org user) we’re pleased to inform you that his Howard DGA-15P package version has been updated again to version 3.1 but it is worth the update and therefore, worth to re-download the package.
The enclosed X-Plane 11.50 model is of the historic GA aircraft, the Howard DGA-15P. The model began life as a freeware FS98-FSX model shell which I converted to the 3D modelling program, AC3D, and completely overhauled and rebuilt for X-Plane 11 over the last four or five months. Please see the enclosed “credits.txt” file for details.
The model has been tested in X-Plane 11.50 and 11.51 (but not with the experimental flight model). This is version 1.0 with many improvements and small fixes planned for the future (e.g., the 3D Wasp Jr. is only half done). But it handles very well and looks pretty nice for the most part. My real interest in model development is in 3D panels and custom instruments with nearly a dozen provided here to match the real-world Howard DGA-15P (though because these 80+ year old aircraft are restored there is a *lot* of variety in instruments today). The radios are loosely modeled on the Becker RMU-5000, but I may put in a Garmin 530 or make some sort of moving map in the future. I also plan to release a “paint kit” for this model in the future, and I would be happy to work with a painter to show him or her what goes where. The interior in particular is very plain and shows the need for an expert painter to help out if anyone is willing.
This aircraft is released as FREEWARE. No commercial use of these files is permitted, but they may be distributed and changed for non-commercial use as long as credit to the original authors is provided. And a special thanks to Pedrovl on the forum for help with a fuel pressure problem caused by the three in-line fuel tanks which I never would have figured out myself.
Check it out at our dedicated Steve Baugh “Howard DGA-15P” download page, check out all the included updates and don’t forget to check out these additional screenshots.