We’re pleased to inform you, on behalf of Evgeny Romanov from JARDesign, that their A320neo version 3.2 r1 has been updated.That’s great news, but what can you expect? But first this ….. don’t mix older models and the updated package is for use with X-Plane 11.00-11.01!.
Be sure, that you use X-Plane 11.00r1.Copy unziped “320_JARDesign” folder to ..\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\ folder (be sure, what you are not use nonEnglish symbols in aircraft installation path). Start X-Plane 64 bit and open a320, activation window is going to show up. Enter your serial key (Regcode), click NEXT and after a successful activation reopen aircraft via X-Plane menu. Activation works well with both MAC/WIN 64 bit. Please visit www.simliveries.com to get 130+ free liveries.
How to install?
- Download link: https://jardesign.org/a320/download/inst … r3.2r1.zip
- Be sure, that you use X-Plane 11.00-11.01
- Copy unzipped “320_JARDesign” folder to ..\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\ folder. Be sure, what you are not use nonEnglish symbols in aircraft installation path
- Start X-Plane 64 bit and open a320, activation window is going to show up
- Enter your serial key (Regcode), click NEXT and after a successful activation reopen aircraft via X-Plane menu
- Activation works well with both MAC/WIN 64 bit
- Please visit www.simliveries.com to get 130+ free liveries
- If you need update your cycle, please use Aerosoft/Navigraph“JARDesign a320/330 Native format” and put new cycle to ../X-PLANE 11/Custom Data/GNS430/navdata/ folder (create this folder if need). You may switch default/custom installed navdata via MCDU. Default cycle (Aerosoft, old) always included to _navdata folder.
Here’s a list of what’s all NEW”:
- + improve stability (more than changes in code, mostly for flightplan part)
- www.simliveries.com download service add for free a320 liveries
Although the change log list seems to be ratter short, according to Evgeny “Description in “what new” is very short, but about more than 20 functions was reworked to improve stability and avoid SASL errors, based on users reports.”
More information can be found at the dedicated JARDesign forum page as well as the link to download the updated product.
Thank you, just downloaded and installed. Cheers, Bruce