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MacDill Air Force Base (KMCF)

KMCF-AFB-NAPS-v13Updated July 30rd, 2017 | NAPS KMCF MacDill Air Force Base Version 2.0

NAPS presents to you ….. Another High Definition airport by NAPS in the Tampa Bay Area. MacDill Air Force Base is an active United States Air Force base located approximately 4 miles south-southwest of downtown Tampa, Florida. Many other NAPS airports in the Bay Area. This airport scenery works fine with Florida, Check this YouTube video.

Some of the airport features are:
Customized airport with many hangars, buildings, military objects. Includes some of Marc Leydecker’s © assets. ATC Traffic. Orthoscenery courtesy of USGS.

Library Requirements
– Always insert the whole library download in Custom Scenery, not just a subfolder.
– Always get the latest library version.

NAPS_library: Make sure you have the latest NAPS lib version 2.4!

– The_Handy_Objects_Library
– flags_of_USA_states
– FlyByPlanes
– ff_library
– MisterX_Library
– OpenSceneryX
– R2_Library
– RE_Library
– ruscenery

If you do not already have the libraries used in this package, you may find download links in the Master Library List.

Want to see some additional screenshots before you download? Then you must check this additional screenshots link.

This package is offered to you by X-Plained.Com. It is free for personal and/or private use. It is not allowed to copy, publish or redistribute any part of any file or package from this website without prior permission from X-Plained.Com or from the developer. Commercial use of the package or parts of it, is prohibited in any way.
Keep in mind that your maximum download per day is set to 5 files or packages a day. A higher download limit per day can be requested by sending an email to Angelique van Campen.


KMCF | Mac Dill AFB (145.2 MiB, 79 downloads)