Tampa International Airport (Ground Textures Only)
KTPA Tampa International Airport ground only, is situated in Florida, USA. The scenery is developed by Freddy De Pues, NAPS Advanced Sim Scenery North Atlantic & Pacific Scenery
Feel free to add buildings to your liking, for personal use ONLY.
If you made customized buildings (no libraries, no OpenScenery) and used USA_FL_KTPA_Tampa Intl Ground v1.2, please contact Freddy De Pues NAPS using the Org’s messenger for permission to publish.
Some of the features are:
– Color corrected USGS orthophotos blended in X-Plane environment etc.
– Partial ATC RWYs and TWYs network
– ATC traffic flows
– Passive ASDE-X implementation
– Autogate
– RWYs & TWYs per orthophoto
– Multiple road textures using .lin files
– Accurate TWY signs
– Precision pavement marking
– Grass, sewers, irrigation system
Required libraries:
– OpenSceneryX
– NAPS lib
If you do not already have the libraries used in this package, you may find download links in the Master Library List.
This package is offered to you by X-Plained.Com. It is free for personal and/or private use. It is not allowed to copy, publish or redistribute any part of any file or package from this website without prior permission from X-Plained.Com or from the developer. Commercial use of the package or parts of it, is prohibited in any way.
Keep in mind that your maximum download per day is set to 5 files or packages a day. A higher download limit per day can be requested by sending an email to Angelique van Campen.