We’re pleased to inform you that Little Navmap has been updated to version 2.2.2.
According to Alexander Barthel “This updated version comes with a lot of fixes and new features, but hold on, for those who aren’t familiar with Little Navmap …. Little Navmap is a free open source flight planner, navigation tool, moving map, airport search and airport information system for Flight Simulator X, Prepar3D and X-Plane. A widely configurable map display using the OpenStreetMap as a background map which is only one option of many online and included offline maps. The map shows airports, navaids, airways, airspaces, AI or multiplayer aircraft and ships as well as airport weather. A seamlessly integrated airport diagram displays taxiways, displaced thresholds, overrun areas, aprons, parking spots and more.
It supports approach and departure procedures like SIDs and STARs, offers several automatic flight plan calculation options and multiple export formats like GFP (Reality XP GTN and Flight1 GTN), FPL (Reality XP GNS), GPX, RTE, FLP and X-Plane FMS 3/11 as well as drag and drop flight plan editing on the map. The program can read the PLN, FMS and FLP flight plan formats and much more.”
Check it all at the Little Navmap index page.
The changelog list for version 2.2.2. can be found below:
- Fixed wrong display of airspace/airway information when selecting “show information” in map context menu.
- Now showing all airspaces below cursorr when selecting “Show information for airspace(s)”.
- Fixed issues with airspace selection and tooltip when map window is unfloatable.
- Fixed display issues on procedure labels: Wrong runway label at departure and redundant restriction at IF legs before others.
- Missing status messages added for copy map to clipboard and save map as image.
- Fixed issue where navaids were collapsed to points when using measurement lines.
- Fixed airway waypoints not recognized when general waypoint display is off.
- Small display issue with airway waypoints solved where names of unrelated waypoints were shown in some zoom levels.
- Added verbose logging option for weather updates.
- Now showing ILS frequency for all approaches ILS, LOC, LOCB, LDA and IGS.
- Fixed redundant legs in SID if first leg is IF and RW too.
- Updated German program translation and map legend.
- Replaced OpenMapSurfer hillshading with the one used for OpenStreetMap since server is offline.
- Enabled weather support for ActiveSky XP.
More information about Little Navmap and how to install, download and how to update the AIRAC cycles, can be found at the Little Navmap page.