We’ve added many new or updated liveries added for example the ToLiss A319 aircraft.
As a registered user you’re free to check it out what’;s new, or which livery has been updated and download it. Most of the older liveries from Christoph_T have been updated for the latest model update. Newer or recent released liveries from Christoph_T are already up-to-date for the latest TolIss A319 package. The same happend with some liveries from Matthew007800.
At the same time we’ve tried to keep it a bit organised. That said, we’ve rearranged the liveries or weathered cockpit textures from fscabral. Once an a while, depending on the time he has, he comes out with a bunch of new liveries or something unexpected like the recent 767 Professional Extended cockpit textures. Because of that,. we created a different menu structure for fscabral.
Anyway, enjoy the updated or new liveries and see our updated libraries too.