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Creating “construction” mountains on airports

belga-mounts-largeWhat the heck is this .. creating sand/construction mountains on airports, of course, if applicable for you. We’re pleased to offer you this short but effective tutorial, written by Marc Leydecker a.k.a. Belga123245.

Creating these airport “sand/construction” mountains, finding them in all different shapes, different look and feel of material, isn’t as easy as you think unless, you know how to do it. And because of this, Marc Leydecker, known from his fabulous high quality Virginia airports, has been written a tutorial for our registered users.

And, as always from Marc, a short, but effective tutorial based on those who love to create X-PLane 10 airports who use SketchUp as there primary 3D tool.

Feel free to download this tutorial and please leave a message or comment for Marc.

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Mountains tutorial (1.7 MiB, 76 downloads)