Aitutaki International Airport
Airports included in this package:
– NCAI- AITUTAKI International Airport / Cook Islands
– NCMN- MANUAE Airport
The Cook Islands is an island country in the South Pacific Ocean in free association with New Zealand. It comprises 15 small islands whose total land area is 240 square kilometers (92.7 sq mi). The Cook Islands’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), however, covers 1,800,000 square kilometers (690,000 sq mi) of ocean. Rarotonga International Airport is the main way in to the country, and the biggest airport.
This package now almost completes the whole country, together with others sceneries release before, as refer below, and Aitutaki will coming soon, to cover all Cook Islands airports.
– Unzip the NCAI AITUTAKI Int. Airport, and then place it in Custom Scenery.
– Uses OpenScenery, and more than 120 Cami De Bellis’s default and new objects.
Special thanks to Jonathan Harris (Marginal) for amazing Overlay Editor. As well, Ben Supnik and Cristiano Maggi, for WED.
If you do not already have the libraries used in this package, you may find download links in the Master Library List.
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