On behalf of FunnerFlight, we’re pleased to offer you some exclusive screenshots of Jeff Mueller his updated KLAX v2.
According to Jeff “KLAX version 2.0 is a very detailed airport for X-Plane. This updated version looks awesome, with many details like:
– Airport Hotels, carparks, street lighting, and area warehouses – LAX landscaped entry mound, Departure Level and Overpass system. Custom Southern California trees and bushes, including various kinds of palm trees. – GroundTraffic with several options; now includes auto traffic with buses, taxis, several taxiing aircraft, airport terminal buses, trucking at Cargo facilities, street traffic, and a full 747F loading animation with airport pilot shuttle, mobile stairs, cargo loader, cargo cart trains, forklifts, mobile light units, and fueling trucks and drivers.
This is only a small list of his free updated KLAX v2. As said, the update will be free for registered users. The airport update is not only for X-Plane 10.51, but also compatible with X-Plane 11. The airport will be released soon. That said, monitor the X-Plane.Org news on a regular base to keep track of the update data.”
I bought this one. Nothing but trouble. I’ve had error message after error message. Seems like all I am doing now is reading the XP11 Log.txt and fixing things related to this scenery package.
Hi, did you also contact the developer or …?