Our dedicated reviewer Paul Beckwith has to travel a lot. This time Paul visits Brisbane, Aussie from Orbx. A long flight, yes, that true, but it was worth the time, the investment and the “inspection”.
According to Paul “Without a doubt, the first Landmarks package from Orbx adds a very distinctive touch to the area of the X-Plane world it addresses. Let’s review what we have seen.”
He continues “The well-done category is extensive. Orbx tells us we can expect to see over 100 custom-made objects. I have not done the count and I know I have not seen them all. The ones I have seen are impressive with their accurate modeling and fine details bringing a real-life sensibility into the sim environment.”
But Paul has so much to say about the Brisbane landmarks as wel las the updated/modified Brisbane International Airport. You can read all his findings in his latest comprehensive Brisbane Exploration for X-Plane 12 review. Enjoy!