Moved to France
It has been very quiet for a while although Paul Beckwith wrote many many reviews for you and the X-Plane community. And that’s it. Angelique, your personal reporter didn’t write anything this year. Why you could ask? Angelique and partner emigrated this year from the...
Registration Disabled!
Registration is temporarily unavailable.I, your personal reporter Angelique van Campen apologise for any inconvenience. Last week was a crazy week in respect to X-Plained.Com. Worldwide complex and bruce force attacks are high according to Wordfence which is our gate...
Airport Review | Ocean State Sceneries KPVC
Our dedicated reviewer Paul Beckwith flies from Boston via via to KPVC – Provincetown Municipal Airport which is only a flight of 20 minutes. The modeled airport from Ocean State Sceneries seems according to Paul worth his visit and exploration.Paul writes...
Orbx London City Airport for X-Plane 12
We're pleased to share with you the following Orbx news .....Orbx is proud to present an unforgettable aviation adventure to one of the most iconic airports in Great Britain - London City Airport for X-Plane 12. With its newly updated layout and state-of-the-art...
FlyWithLua Plus Updated to v2.8.9
Our Update March 29th, 2023 | Official FlyWithLua NG X-Plane 11 version 2.8.9At X-Plained we’re very pleased to inform you that, in consult with X-Friese, we are able to offer you his latest FlyWithLua NG (Next Generation) for X-Plane 11 plugin from X-Friese. As...
Aircraft Review | VSkyLabs M-7-235B
Our dedicated reviewer Paul Beckwith explored the VSkyLabs Maule M-7-235B Project aircraft for X-Plane 12. As on owner said "My Maule is a fairly straightforward airplane to fly—but a very nuanced and difficult airplane to fly well. I am constantly working on...
Aircraft Review | Thranda Stationairs
Our dedicated reviewer Paul Beckwith checked out the oil level, the fuel quality, the different instruments and so much more of the Thranda Design Cessna Stationair 675 / Grand Stationair 208B. Actually, Paul checked out the whole models and did sao many checks that...
Aircraft Review | FlightFactor B767-400ER
As we all know, FlightFactor released somewhere in July another member of their 757/767 aircraft line, the 767-400ER.That was the moment Roman from FlightFactor asked us to review their -400ER. Although Angelique van Campen knew already that it will be a long and...
Aircraft Review | Thranda “Caravans”
Our dedicated reviewer Paul Beckwith reviews for you the Thranda Caravan models. Yes, you're right, Caravan models since it's not just one model, but more then that. Actually, it are the Caravan 675 and Grand Caravan 208B models.According to Paul "Okay, so you have...
Aircraft Review | Rotate MD-11F
When you're familiar with X-Plained.Com reviews, you know that we not only try to write comprehensive reviews, we also want to add additional sections with in-depth information in it. What those sections are, depends on the reviewer. Whatever it is, we - Angelique van...
Orbx Brisbane Package for X-Plane 12
Our dedicated reviewer Paul Beckwith has to travel a lot. This time Paul visits Brisbane, Aussie from Orbx. A long flight, yes, that true, but it was worth the time, the investment and the "inspection".According to Paul "Without a doubt, the first Landmarks package...
Scenery Review | Faroe Island X-Plane 12
Flying from the States to the Faroe Islands is for our reviewer Paul Beckwith not a long trip and therefore, Paul decided to review for you the Faroe Islands from Maps2XPlane which is updated to X-Plane version 12.According to Paul "The Faroe Islands XP is a...
Scenery Review | Updated Maps2XPlane Society Islands
We're pleased to inform you that our dedicated reviewer Paul Beckwith flew back to the Society Island which are updated for X-Plane 12. The Society Islands or actually the package is known as "Society Islands XP – Bora Bora and the Leeward Islands" are a product from...
Scenery Review | Frank and Fabio “Italian Dolomites”
Angelique van Campen, your personal reporter for detailed and in-depth reviews tried to cover the Italian Dolomites from Frank and Fabio.Not an easy task since the X-Plane 12 version of the Dolomites covers an area of 11.000 square kilometeres. That said, where to...
Scenery Review | ALPS UHD Mountain Scenery
Your personal reporter and long time reviewer Angelique van Campen goes back to explore the most famous mountains in Europe, the French, Swiss and Italian Alps. The Alps are famous of the Mont Blanc or Monte Bianco, situated nearby the Italian city Aosta or the French...
Hardware Review | Honeycomb Airbus A319-A380
Your personal reporter Angelique van Campen tries out the Honeycomb Aeronautical "Throttle Pack Airbus A319 - A380". Angelique did review already the Honeycomb Alpha Flight Controls and Bravo Throttle Quadrant.But what is this for hardware add-on package?According to...
Hardware Review | Thrustmaster TCA Pack Airbus
Oh oh, that was a massive hardware review, but thanks to JARDesign for guiding me in the right direction and Hugues Carpe from Hercules Thrustmaster, your personal reporter Angelique van Campen was able to review an in-depth review of the latest Thrustmaster Airbus...
Hardware Review | Honeycomb Aeronautical Bravo
We at X-Plained.Com finally made it, oops, no finished it. A more than normal in-depth review of the Honeycomb Aeronautical Bravo Throttle Quadrant. Your personal reviewer Angelique van Campen is pleased to let you know that she finished this awesome piece of...
Hardware Review | Part II – Pro Flight Trainer TBM
Your personal reporter Angelique van Campen received from the Pro Flight Trainer team the Toe Brake Modification (TBM) kit. In conjunction with the from Aerosoft received the Pro Flight Trainer PUMA., this TBM kit adds a toe brake function to the helicopter...
Hardware Review | Part I – Pro Flight Trainer PUMA
Your personal reporter Angelique van Campen received from Aerosoft some awesome helicopter hardware equipment; the Pro Flight Trainer PUMA. Together with the help of the Pro Flight Trainer team she was able to master helicopters in a professional way. This helicopter...
Video | TrueEarth EU Balearics “Mallorca”
When you decide to buy TrueEarth EU Balearic Islands you get a bit more then expected. That is a bunch of Spanish islands ortho textures, hand-edited modified and colour corrected to fit perfectly on top of the individual X-Plane islands. The overall package -...
Video | VSKYLABS R44 Raven II Project 1.1c
OK, I know. It's not an aircraft, but a rotorcraft although I've aded the video in the aircraft section.This video and belonging review ( which can be found at X-Plained.Com deals with the...
Globall Art Vancouver Intl. Airport Video
Originally planned as a slide show at X-Plained.Com, but final thoughts changed me to creating a movie. Although being a movie slide show, it's still a bit better and pleasant to look to.Enjoy our Vancouver airport impression.It's a very detailed and well modelled...
Video | TrueEarth US Florida Part 3 “KTNT – KNQX”
On our third and last IFR Orbx TrueEarth US Florida HD flight I take you to the Keys and Key West, the most Western remote located part of the Keys. It's roughly 214 NM from KTNT in the way I've created the flight plan although I must admit that the flight plan with...
Video | Orbx TrueEarth GB North “Inverness etc.”
On our last cross country trip we depart from Inverness and rented the Just Flight / Thranda Design Beechcraft Duchess 76. Before heading for Aberdeen, we cross at an altitude of approximately 5000 feet Cairngorms National Park. Then via the East we fly to Aberdeen....
A typical Grumman Traveler IFR Flight
Although the vFlyteAir Grumman American Traveler can be flown easy under VFR conditions, flying IFR with the AP gives you a lot more time to look outside, making longer flights and try to keep it a little more relaxing. On today’s flight I depart from KBFI (Boeing...
Animating your Airport in 15 minutes
On behalf of Marc Leydecker, I would to inform you about his mini tutorial of how to create animating airport objects based on GroundTraffic. X-Plane has come a long way in scenery development but that being said, most of our airports are static. Those airports should...
Realistic AP Trim Indicator Panel
Marc Leydecker, well known of his awesome US airports, needs an extraordinary break. Oops, what does this mean? No, he’s not going on a holiday. Instead, he’s trying to link real aviation hardware to X-Plane. You can buy tons of dedicated hardware suitable to work...
Realistic Cessna Flap Gauge linked to X-Plane
Marc Leydecker, well known of his awesome US airports, needs an extraordinary break. Oops, what does this mean? No, he’s not going on a holiday. Instead, he’s trying to link real aviation hardware to X-Plane. You can buy tons of dedicated hardware suitable to work...
Avare Moving map and Flight planner
Received this incoming article/tutorial from our SketchUp guru Marc Leydecker. It deals with the Avare moving map and flight planner. According to Marc “You can turn any GSM (cell phone/mobile phone) into a moving map and flight planner. It will even show meteo,...