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Prefab Scenery (Library) for 25K Airports 7.1

Update: As per our date April 20th to version 7.1.

We’re at are pleased to host MH1212 aka Matthijs “Prefab Scenery for 25K airports” version 6.0. It’s another chance to offer something to the airport developers, just in case they decide to add this library in their airport(s).

This scenery package for X-Plane 10.50 (also works in X-Plane 11) contains 25000 airports with 33 types of sceneries (in 3 different layouts and 3 climates zones), which I call Prefab airports. The package helps filling the empty X-Plane world and is mainly meant for all those airports for which no Custom Scenery is available (yet).
In general the preference for any scenery is:
– Custom Scenery (available in the forum)
– Global Airports with scenery (lego brick airports installed by Laminar)
– Prefab airports of this package


Content to download
– x_Prefab_Library_xp: Library package (absolutely needed, but only once)
– x_Prefab_Airports_1: Package 1 (21000 airports with 1 runway: taxiway connected)
– x_Prefab_Airports_2: OPTIONAL Package 2 (4000 airports with 2 and 3 runways: taxiway not connected)
– PDF with instructions + Tutorials and list with airports

All the Prefab airports in the package have:
– Scenery: buildings, hangars, planes, FlyBy planes (in the air), 3D people etc. (see images)
– Taxiways with signs, lines, centerlines, lights and runways holds
– ATC routes (only package 1), can be used with X-Life and WorldTraffic
– Platforms with ramp starts and fence around the airport
– Airport boundaries, exclusion zones and ground textures
– All original X-Plane data of airports (ATC frequencies, beacons, etc.)

Package 1 is the main package. Package 2 is OPTIONAL and is not as nice because these airports have no connection between the taxiway and the ramp. Decide for yourself if you want to use this package.
I have included several options to customize the packages (ground texture & fence on or off, different planes, etc.): see the PDF document.

Some words about WorldTraffic and X-Life. The ATC routes can be used to create Groundroutes for WorldTraffic (tested with XGRC 2.5 made by Sca1ey). To use the Prefab Airports with X-Life, please follow the tutorial on my website: 4xplane X-Life. Please note that X-Life will only work if a procedure file is present the X-Plane GNS430 folder (see my website for more info).

NO CONFLICTS with the new exclusion method. These packages contain a lot of airports, but they are now build using the new exclusion method (

As a result you will only see a Prefab airport if no other scenery is available (you need X-Plane 10.45+ for this to work).

IMPORTANT: this only works correctly if you place the Prefab packages below the other scenery in the scenery_packs.ini file (see instructions for more information).
My packages do not conflict with the Global Airports.

– X-Plane 10.50 (versions for XP 10.36, 10.40 and 10.45 are still available on my website)
– 3D people library (by dkm, version 3.8 or higher)
– OpensceneryX (version 2.1.1 or higher). NB: my package needs the folder to be named “OpensceneryX”, see the instructions
– Optional: Autogate plugin (by Marginal, version 1.6 or higher)

Users of the Seasons package of Einstein and the Winter – Fall Ground Textures of madmaxland. The ground textures and vegetation of my airports will change with the Seasons. BUT: you need to install the Seasons package correctly -> place all Seasons folders below all other Library folders in your scenery_packs.ini file + follow the correct order of the folder (see instructions of madmaxland). Otherwise X-Plane will report an error that it can’t find some Season .for files… NB: it might be that some trees are missing due to a small type in the library of Einstein -> I already send him a PM…

In my package I have used or included objects made available by the following members: dkm, Chris Noe, Marginal, Jacques Brault, fschutzman, FlyByGuy, gplv3, Al., capnsully and Einstein (hope I didn’t forget anyone). Thanks!
Special thanks for Ben Supnik from Laminar for making the new exclusion method and for sending me an updated version of the DSFTool to create the new exclusions!

Users of FSEconomy please use the FSE version which also adds 5600 airports that are missing in the X-Plane data. You can find the FSE version on my website: 4xplane FSE.

I hope you all (still) like it! Visit my website for more X-Plane related stuff.

This package is offered to you by X-Plained.Com. It is free for personal and/or private use. It is not allowed to copy, publish or redistribute any part of any file or package from this website without prior permission from X-Plained.Com or from the developer. Commercial use of the package or parts of it, is prohibited in any way.
Keep in mind that your maximum download per day is set to 15 files or packages a day.


X-Prefab Library Package (182.3 MiB, 661 downloads)