Attention .,.. attention to all.
Perhaps you’ve noticed it already or when you’re new to X-Plained, then you will see it yourself. I noticed this afternoon a dramatic increase in loading time of X-Plained. Not directly noticed by me on the website itself, but at the dashboard, thus behind where all the work is done. We do have a certain package with our hosting company which uses from a CPU one core and has a maximum memory limit of 1024MB. Sounds not much, but according to the hosting company it shouldn’t be a big problem with the current configuration.
X-Plained offers lots of articles, lots of download packages which are all ported to Dropbox and lots of screenshots and although those screenshots are all reduced in quality – not visible for the naked eye – it’s still a lot to load.
We discussed a couple of solutions with the hosting company, of which some are already implemented while others will most likely need a bit more time to figure out what the problem could be or we need to contact our Theme developer for some advice from them. To be continued!
Thanks for the update Angelique – always nice to do more with less!