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Your personal reporter Angelique van Campen flies to Hawaii … yes, yes, I’m aware she has been there before, but this time she’s visiting a couple of NAPS (North Atlantic and Pacific Sceneries) airports from Freddy De Pues and team.

Kahului Airport?
According to Angelique “I’ve never heard of it! That’s not so strange because I live in the Netherlands and Hawaii is far away for me. This is one of the worldwide destinations that I’ve never been to, but I know I’ll get to in the near future.”

“But for now, it’s time to visit NAPS (North Atlantic and Pacific Sceneries) and Freddy De Pues creation of Kahului International Airport (PHOG). That’s good news.
What can you expect?
One thing is an interesting review of an X-Plane 11 product, which is free of charge by the way and oops, it’a also applicable for X-Plane 10.51+. Curious …. surprise …. here’s Angelique’s PHOG review. Enjoy and as usual, comments and suggestions are welcome.