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SAM Extension GlobalTrees Library 1.0

We’re more than pleased to inform you that with the approval of Marten or also known as X-Plane.Org user marten@stairport, we are able to host and promote his X-Plane 11 SAM (Scenery Animation Manager) Extension.

According to Marten; In addition to the latest Scenery Animation Manager and the additional SAM Seasons Library we created a stand alone tree replacement pack which can be used in combination with SAM Seasons or stand alone. SAM GlobalTrees can be controlled through the SAM plugin menu just like SAM Seasons and offers our latest vegetation works in a global scale.

The SAM GlobalTrees package is a further development of the FlyAgi Vegetation Global Trees add-on already used by a wide range of flight simmers which is included in the SAM Seasons Library package. Of course, the SAM Seasons Library will be updated with the latest vegetation from time to time but if you use SAM GlobalTrees you can update the SAM Seasons vegetation without the need to re-download the whole seasons package again and again. Further, if you don’t need seasons, you can use SAM GlobalTrees without installing the Seasons Library just to get our latest vegatation assets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Replaces global forests and trees with high resolution ones including those placed by the urban autogen areas (every single tree gets updated)
  • Can be used without the SAM Seasons library installed
  • Forest density can be reduced if performance issues arise (configuration is described in the manual)
  • Replaces SFD Global forests if you wish so (needs configuration as described in the manual)
  • Supports SAM Seasons
  • Supports SAM Colors (some colors need configuration to be available as described in the manual)
  • Updates SAM Seasons vegetation without redownloading the seasons library
  • Comes with a python based configuration tool but also allows manual copy and paste based configuration
  • SAM Seasons SDK can be incorporated by scenery designers to match SAM GlobalTrees color appearance (supporting all SAM GlobalTrees color and season styles)

Further information and help:


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SAM GlobalTrees (268.8 MiB, 82 downloads)