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SAM Extension | Seasons Library 1.0.0

We’re more than pleased to inform you that with the approval of Marten or also known as X-Plane.Org user marten@stairport, we are able to host and promote his X-Plane 11 plugin. Oh no, not just a plugin, no, a great SAM extension called Seasons Library.

According to Marten “In addition to the latest Scenery Animation Manager we created a free seasonal texture library which can be controlled through the SAM plugin menu. There also is a free SDK available in case you would like to adapt your scenery to these.”


More information will follow at a later moment or when we’ve done some testing, but for now I can tell you that this SAM extension offers a new dimension. Keep in mind that the download is 8.0GB!

It comes with the following features:

  • 5 seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter, deepwinter
  • HD Vegetation for all seasons
  • 2 types of vegetation for deepwinter (natural and very snowy)
  • Snow decals for deepwinter Season
  • Compatibility options to allow seamless scenery integration: SFD Global, Orbx True Earth, Orbx TerraFlora, X-Europe/Ortho4xp
  • SDK library for developers and users to simplify seasonal custom scenery creation

This package is offered to you by X-Plained.Com. It is free for personal and/or private use. It is not allowed to copy, publish or redistribute any part of any file or package from this website without prior permission from X-Plained.Com or from the developer. Commercial use of the package or parts of it, is prohibited in any way.
Keep in mind that your maximum download per day is set to 15 files or packages a day.


SAM-Seasons (8.4 GiB, 341 downloads)