No no, don’t worry. It’s not Uncle Sam that has been updated, but Marten his Scenery Animation Manager that has been updated to version 2.0.4.
In addition to the latest Scenery Animation Manager we created a free seasonal texture library which can be controlled through the SAM plugin menu. There also is a free SDK available in case you would like to adapt your scenery to these. The download link for this SAM extension is included at the end of this news post.
We’re more than pleased to inform you that with the approval of Marten or also known as X-Plane.Org user marten@stairport, we are able to host and promote his X-Plane 11 plugin. Oh no, not just a plugin, no, a great plugin.
According to Marten; SAM (Scenery Animation Manager) is a native X-Plane 11 plugin offering different possibilities to scenery authors focused on animations. A library with pre-animated objects like Jetways, VDGS, Marshaller, Hangars, Wind Turbines etc. is the starting point for developers to experiment with. You can either use these objects or create and animate your own.
Updated version 2.0.4 comes with the following fixes and/or additions or improvements:
- Fixed wrong WED preview for various objects
- Tuned FF A350 doors
- Fixed bug preventing static aircrafts connect to jetways
- Fixed wrong seasons selection after initial install
- Added GlobalTrees extension (separate download required)
The plugin is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 which means it is free to use for all users and for all freeware sceneries. If you are a payware developer you can get a license for your project in our shop. Check it out at our dedicated Scenery Animation Manager download page and the SAM Extension | Seasons Library download page.