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Your personal reporter Angelique van Campen explores the latest Orbx TrueEarth Great Britain packages. This time she explores the Central area. The only problem is that there’s sooooo much to see, so much to find out, but she managed to cover this area and recorded it all together. For you a comprehensive review of the Orbx TU GB Central scenery from East to West, from North to South.

According to Angelique “My conclusion is basically similar to that what I provided a while ago during Orbx True Earth GB for X-Plane 11. The quality and detail is at the same standard across the previous products however, the X-Plane 12 packages are fully optimised for X-Plane 12 and use all the features of X-Plane 12.”

“The standard of presentation certainly is a game changer in terms of flight experience and creates another reason to simply get in a plane and fly. The package not only assists greatly with VFR flight it makes the flight truly immersive adding real atmosphere to the surroundings. Not all buildings are modelled in detail but even those not given special attention are in the correct place and add to the view.”

In other words ….awesome! Check it out via this review link.