This is not just a scenery impression, neither it’s a short review with screenshots showing you the beauty of Orbx TrueEarth Britain North. It’s much more then that, but before I reached the “wow” factor, I was many weeks further. A scenery like this TrueEarth package needed for me a different approach. I couldn’t and I didn’t want hundreds of screenshots showing you the Scottish landscape with Orbx, so another and different approach was needed. Videos!
Making a video as you think of was not the right idea so another approach was needed and that was selection several regions of Scotland, make screenshots on the flights and combine them together. Of course, I liked it, and I hope you like it too. That said, your personal reporter Angelique van Campen took the Orbx plane to visit the TrueEarth Britain North scenery. From one to another pace she visited many areas of this massive scenery package. Curious what you all saw, what she thinks of it? Check it out via this comprehensive review link.