This is so sad that I have to do this, but I see no other way for the time being.
It’s April 2020 and we’re aware that it’s at the moment a crazy time. We’re aware that many people worldwide are suffering or even worse from the Corona virus or COVID-19. It does’t make any difference right now where you life ….. The virus is every where! Only problem for me is that I’ve noticed that more and more account requests from persons worldwide are becoming aggressive and ordering me to give them an account. Perhaps some are frustrated or whatever the reason is.
I do understand that it’s terrible for everybody, but it can’t be that when I try to keep X-Plained.Com up and running and helping people worldwide that “one person” thinks he/she can write what he/she wants, only to get “a” download package! Some of them are not even taking the time to read the text in the introduction section of the contact form. I’ve also got my stress regarding the Corona virus or COVID-19, but I can’t tolerate this any longer. I maintain X-Plained.Com with a lot of fun with my team members, but when new account requests are no longer based on “open minded people”, and just commanding to do “this and that”, then it’s time for action.
That said, the registration will be temporarily disabled “at least” till the end of April 2020, but will be most likely extended. We apologise for any inconvenience.
You can still use the contact form for any other questions, thoughts or suggestions, but not for requesting a new account. New account or download requests are, keep that in mind, not answered!
Thank You for your understanding.
On behalf of all our staff members,
Angelique van Campen
Foul manners exacerbated by Internet anonymity are yet another pestilence that is currently widespread on our planet, regrettably. You, Angelique, are the person who decides whether or not people are admitted to the community, and although I cannot (and would not) presume to advise you, were I in your position I would take a certain grim satisfaction in responding to rude and aggressive requests with a terse and straightforward permanent denial of membership. As an Admin on various simming sites for many years, I have always exercised an active policy of refusing to tolerate bad behaviour, and have found that stance to be something that is approved of by the (often, silent) majority of the membership.
There is a saying to the effect that for bad people to prevail it is only necessary for good people to do nothing. If that is true, then the more of us who make clear our detestation of bad behaviour the better.
A valued resource like X-Plained is something to be cherished and guarded, and hopefully the previous contributions in this thread have assured you that your contribution to the X-Plane community is greatly valued, and your work much appreciated. Please allow me to add my expressions of gratitude to those already expressed.
Hello Angelique, from way down under in NZ like many in complete lock down just now, reading your news letter and using your x-plained web site is a God send. Please don’t let the behaviour of a few selfish idiots spoil the the great work you are doing and the pleasure you are getting from it I hope.
I see it every day how the selfish ‘I must have’ behaviour of some people impacts on many others without any regard to anyone else. Shame on mankind.
Please carry on bringing your sunshine into our simming world for many more years if you can.
Thank you. En een vrolijk Paasen.
Hi Tinker,
Many thanks for your posting and that you took the time to reply. Yes, as you can see, I’m from Holland (the Netherlands), you from NZ and we’re all having the same problem, the same lock down. Ok, our lock down in Holland is as our prime minister calls it a “intelligent lock down”. What ever it is, whatever we call it, it all bad news, BUT more important is that where we life, in the EU, in NZ, in the US, in Latin Americas, in Africa, in Russia, in China, ….. when it comes to flight simming, we all share the same passion! I’ll and our team do our best to keep on going with X-Plained.Com. I still have so many things in my mind that stopping with X-Plained is out of the question. And you to a Happy Easter.
Greetings from a sunny and hopefully warmer period, Angelique, your personal flight sim reporter
Hi Angelique,
I agree with “Nighthawk” about worthwhile sites for X-Plane info. Keep up the great work, and may you and your team keep safe and well during these troubled times.
Hi Steve,
We’ll do our best and keep up the good work. There’s a lot of work to do although COVID-19 is’nt always helping us.
Angelique, I support your decision completely. It’s too bad that a few idiots cause so much uproar all over the internet. is a fantastic resource and provides a great service, so I’m very glad you’re going to keep it going.
Hi Sticky,
Many thanks for taking the time to write this. We’ll try to keep up the service as we do now!
I fully support all the previous made comments without saying. However I think that you and the team are being very fair and considerate during this crisis. It is not easy to provide the content that you all do during this period as there are so many other restrictions on daily activities. I commend you for the actions taken as it would have been easy to just turn around and say that enough is enough and close down for a few months hoping to come back later. I am so pleased that you will keep going as I always look out for your detailed insights into what is going on. Obviously some software companies may not be bringing out as many products for you all to review but I am sure you will always fill the newsletter and website with very appreciated and valuable topics and subjects. For me you are the number 1 independant source for un-biased information on what is going on in X-plane
Hi lesmar,
Many thanks for your posting. It’s much appreciated in this weird time. And as I wrote before, we’ll continue with the work since there’s still a lot to do.
Hi Angelique, there are only 3 sites that are trustworthy to me and yours is number one. You and your staff have never disappointed me. Keep the great work.
Many thanks Joe for these supporting words. We’ll try to do our best and keep on doing that …. even though the whole world is in a big crises.
Dear Angelique and team,
I really wish to second the comment made by P. Hughes, I’m sure the vast majority of us truly appreciate your work for its excellent quality, variety of topics, ability to download many add-ons, so indeed don’t let the ill-minded behaviour of a minority spoil your enthusiasm.
You do a great service to the x-plane community, I think your comprehensive reviews are some of the best out there, they are always well-balanced, not shying away from pointing out the shortcomings but avoiding the bashing of developers that is all to easy to do and is rarely productive.
So again, keep up your excellent work, your positive spirits, and my deepest thanks for your contribution.
Hi Philippe, on behalf of the whole team I would like to thank you for these words. And don’t worry, we’ll keep on going and we’ll keep on going writing interesting articles, reviews, videos and what else more, oops, and not to forget, providing interesting downloads. Again, many thanks for taking the time to write.
in this moment I don’t understand certain attitudes, however for what it can be worth I support you with honor, strength !!! go ahead !!! you have a very nice and interesting site and above all useful to everyone!
kind regards
Daniel Franscini
Hi Daniel, many thanks for your words and support. Exactly as you say ….. I don’t understand that attitude too. That some would like to have some downloads, no problems with it, but some respect would be welcome. Anyway, no worries, I’ll continue with X-Plained.Com. Even after so many yearsd, I’ll still do it with a lot of fun, even though we’re got worldwide a hard time.
Dear Folks, PLEASE be assured that there must be many thousands of us who value you and your work, so try not to let the absurd behaviour you mention be dominant.
Any communication from x-plained is looked forward to and you are a most valuable source of quiet pleasure for the community.
Kindest regards, Phillip Hughes
Thanks for your words Phillip.